English is the official language of the AIoT 2024. It shall be used for all printed materials, presentations and discussions. Submitted publication should contain original materials which have not been previously published and are not under review elsewhere.
The final version of a paper must be of at least 10 pages and at most 12 pages length, and prepared according to the Guidelines defined by Conference. The paper should be submitted in DOC, DOCX, or PDF formats (in English only).
An extra fee will be charged for each additional page above 12 pages. Papers should be submitted online via CMT portal.
The submitted publication should define the scope of the paper, emphasizing new advances, theories and/or applications and include an analysis of results.
After notification of paper acceptance, it is a requirement that at least the one presenting author of every accepted paper must get registered, pay a participation fee and take part in the conference.The affiliation of first author must be from Turkey, and atleast 80% of authors should be from Turkey, in order to avail the local registration fee.
It should be noted that one author can be co-author not more than in two papers. Exception is the scientists who are heads of the scientific schools and their PhD students presents the joint results of the research.
AIoT 2024 will have a single-round blind peer review process. All submitted papers will be sent to at least two independent anonymous reviewers. All accepted papers which will be presented at the conference will be included in AIoT Conference Proceedings.
All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into Book series subject to meeting Publisher’s scope and quality requirements.
“No-show” papers won’t be included into the AIoT Conference Proceedings..
Ethics and Permissions: The results of the research presented in the manuscript, should be original. However, if figures, tables, animations or text quotations from copyrighted works (including websites) are included in the paper, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder (usually the original publisher) and the author(s) for both the print and the online format.
Avoidance of Self-plagiarism: A certain overlap in scientific content between articles by the same author is standard practice and to be expected. However, it is essential that transparency is retained and appropriate references included. Permission must be obtained from other publishers, where appropriate.